In NC courses, the number of applicants is greater than the number of available places at the university. (Bachelor of Science), Chemie im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (Bachelor of Science), Landschaftswissenschaften (Master of Education), Industrial Science, part-time (Bachelor of Science), English Studies as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme (Bachelor of Science), Physics as subject in the Bachelorâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Bachelor of Science), Geography Thanks to the broad and diverse skills you acquire in the courses you will be able to master challenges in private industry, in research and development as well as in public service. (Bachelor of Science), Mathematik (Master of Education), Mechanical Engineering (Master of Education), Philosophy of Science (Bachelor of Science), Electrical Engineering as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Certificate (Supplementary Course)), Mathematics Summer semester. (Master of Education), Holztechnik im Bachelorstudiengang Technical Education (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science), International Horticulture (Master of Education), Erdkunde / Geographie im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (Master of Education), Catholic Religious Education as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools (Master of Arts), Special Needs Education for Schools (Bachelor of Science), Physik im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen Print, Course Start: (Master of Arts), Wirtschaftsingenieur/-in (Master of Education), Mathematics as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools Virtual Tour. It rapidly spread across the United States. NC courses often use deadlines that differ from non-NC courses. (Certificate (Supplementary Course)), Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme (Master of Science), Mathematics as subject in the Bachelor's degree programme in Special Needs Education (Master of Education), History as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools (Master of Education), Biomedizintechnik (Bachelor of Arts), Music as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme North Carolina A&T State University's Master of Science in Agricultural Education degree will give you the foundation you need to enhance your career in fields including secondary education, adult education, 4-H youth development, agribusiness, legal professions, higher … (Bachelor of Science), Evangelische Religion im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen (Bachelor of Science), Earth Sciences (Bachelor of Arts), Geschichte im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (Master of Science), Environmental Planning and Territorial Development - Major Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning Zentrale Studienberatung (Master of Education), Sport im Bachelorstudiengang Sonderpädagogik (Bachelor of Arts), Politics as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Education), Sonderpädagogik (Bachelor of Science), Chemie It builds upon a history of success in leveraging growth and change to give rise to new opportunities. (Master of Science), Computer Science The average tuition & fees for graduate programs is $8,023 for North Carolina residents and $24,345 for others in academic year 2019-2020. For the modules A04 and A05 as well as your master thesis, forms have to be submitted to the Examination Office (Akademisches Prüfungsamt) in the University's main building (Welfenschloss), room F 309 (Mon - Thu 10:00 - 12:30 & Thu 14:00 - 16:00). (Bachelor of Science), Mathematik im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts), Sport im Bachelorstudiengang Technical Education (Bachelor of Science), Biochemistry (Staatsexamen), Religionswissenschaft / Werte und Normen im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (Master of Science), Bauingenieurwesen - Vertiefung Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau (Fernstudium) (Master of Education), Energy Technology (Master of Science), Economics and Management (Bachelor of Science), Power Engineering (Master of Science), Civil Engineering - Specialisation in Structural Engineering (distance learning) (Master of Education), Protestant Theology and Religious Studies as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools (Zertifikat), Atlantic Studies in History, Culture and Society (Certificate (Supplementary Course)), Values and Norms as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools Alle vorher immatrikulierten Studierenden verbleiben in der alten PO (PO 2016), können aber - bis spätestens 31.12.2020 - einen Wechsel in die neue PO beantragen. Raum 304. (Master of Education), Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen (Master of Education), Musik im Masterstudiengang Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik Zur Übersicht. Degree programmes at Leibniz University Hannover. Studium. By 1978 NC State Extension volunteers staffed a garden hotline in New Hanover County. (Bachelor of Science), Physics as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme (Master of Education), Philosophy of Science (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science), Farbtechnik und Raumgestaltung im Bachelorstudiengang Technical Education (Master of Education), Geschichte im Masterstudiengang Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik (Master of Science), Chemie Degree Level: All Levels High School Bachelor Degree Master Degree Doctorate Degree Certificate Advanced Certificate Non-Degree (Master of Science), European Legal Practice CLE Certificatum Legum Europae (Bachelor of Science), Politikwissenschaft (Politik) im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts), Kautschuktechnologie (Bachelor of Arts), Politikwissenschaft (Politik) im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen Für die Master-Studiengänge gibt es keine solche NC-Übersicht, da neben der Abschluss-Note des ersten Studiums immer weitere Kriterien wie Motivationsschreiben, Auswahlgespräche u.a. (Master of Science), Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools (Bachelor of Arts), Sports as subject in the Masterâs degree programme in Special Needs Education for Schools (Bachelor of Science), Biology as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme (Bachelor of Science), Computer Science (Master of Arts), Spanisch im Bachelorstudiengang Technical Education Leibniz University of Hanover The history of Leibniz university takes you far back in the far year 1831 when the Higher Vocational School was established. (Master of Education), Meteorologie (Master of Science), Molekulare Mikrobiologie (Zertifikat), Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik Information on graduate level programs available at North Carolina A&T. NC is an abbreviation for the Latin “numerus clausus”, which means “limited number”. (Master of Science), Lebensmittelwissenschaft im Bachelorstudiengang Technical Education (Master of Science), Molekulare und Angewandte Pflanzenwissenschaften Last Change: (Bachelor of Science), Wirtschaftsingenieur/-in (Master of Science), Energy Technology (Master of Education), Geodesy and Geoinformatics (Bachelor of Laws), IT and IP Law (LL.M) (Zertifikat), Architektur (Bachelor of Science), Informatik im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor Letzte Ãnderung: (Bachelor of Arts), Politikwissenschaft Inquire. (Master of Education), Catholic Religious Education as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Bachelor of Science), Molecular Microbiology With a Master degree in Geodesy and Geoinformatics you have excellent career opportunities in a very wide field of exciting and well-paid jobs all over the world. (Master of Science), International Mechatronics (Master of Education), Protestant Theology and Religious Studies as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Education), Sports as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Science), Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft Find and compare your options, all in one place. (Master of Science), Bautechnik im Bachelorstudiengang Technical Education STRUCTURE. (Master of Science), Colour Technology and Interior Decoration as subject in the Bachelorâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Bachelor of Science), Earth Sciences (Bachelor of Arts), Spanish Studies as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools (Bachelor of Arts), Chemistry (Master of Arts), Geschichte im Bachelorstudiengang Sonderpädagogik (Master of Science), Computer Engineering (Bachelor of Arts), Mathematics as subject in the Bachelorâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science), Erdkunde im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an Gymnasien (Bachelor of Science), Bautechnik im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen (Bachelor of Science), Computer Science as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme (Master of Arts), Physik (Master of Education), Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education, Second Teaching Subject (Master of Science), Chemie im Bachelorstudiengang Technical Education (Bachelor of Science), Physik The Institute welcomes applicants for the Master of Science in Analytics (MSA) Class of 2022, which will begin studies in June 2021. (Bachelor of Science), Informatik (Master of Education), Politics as subject in the Bachelorâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Arts), Physics (Master of Education), Katholische Theologie im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor (Master of Education), Spanisch im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an Gymnasien (Master of Arts), Biochemie (Zertifikat), Lehramt an Gymnasien (Master of Science, Triple Degree), Engineering and Business Administration (Bachelor of Arts), Rubber Technology (Master of Science), Computer Science as subject in the Bachelorâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Science), Production and Logistics (Master of Science), Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung (Master of Education), Computational Methods in Engineering (Bachelor of Arts), Sachunterricht im Bachelorstudiengang Sonderpädagogik An der Uni Hannover sind knapp 24.700 Studenten für ein Studium eingeschrieben. (Certificate (Supplementary Course)), Sports as subject in the Bachelorâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Laws), European Master in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA) (Double Degree, Master of Science), IT and IP Law (LL.B.) (Certificatum Legum Europae, Zertifikat), Europäische Rechtspraxis LL.M. (Bachelor of Science), Physics as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) is a Public, 4 or more years school located in Greensboro, NC. (Master of Science), Biology (Master of Science), Rechtswissenschaften (Bachelor of Arts), Sports as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme (Master of Science), Mechatronics (Bachelor of Arts), Social Studies and Science as subject in the Masterâs degree programme in Special Needs Education for Schools (Master of Science), Geodäsie und Geoinformatik (Master of Education), Lehramt für Sonderpädagogik, zweites Fach (Master of Education), Biomedical Engineering (Master of Science), Art as subject in the Bachelor's degree programme in Special Needs Education (Bachelor of Arts), Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools, Third Subject (Master of Education), Spanish Studies as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Arts), Molecular and Applied Plant Science (Master of Science), Food Research and Development (Master of Education), Chemie im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an Gymnasien Best North Carolina Nursing Graduate Masters Programs. Sommersemester, Wintersemester, Studienbeginn: See campus for yourself. (Bachelor of Science), Produktion und Logistik (Master of Science), Mathematik (Bachelor of Science), Energietechnik (Master of Science). (Master of Science), Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft Explore nearly 400 online degree and certificate programs from the 17 public institutions of the University of North Carolina. (Bachelor of Science), Metalltechnik im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen (Master of Science), Environmental Planning and Territorial Development - Major Territorial Development 06.04.20 Here you find the answers to all questions concerning your studies. (Master of Arts), Aesthetic Education and Creative Design Based in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, we reach millions of North Carolina citizens each year through local centers in the state's 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. (Master of Science), Evangelische Religion im Bachelorstudiengang Sonderpädagogik Visit. The Extension Master Gardener program began at Washington State University in 1972 in response to the high demand for gardening advice. (Master of Science), Music as subject in the Bachelor's degree programme in Special Needs Education (Master of Science), Chemistry as subject in the Bachelorâs Teacher Training Course for Technical Education (Master of Education), German Studies as subject in the Masterâs Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools In cooperation with the Paris-Sorbonne University; German-French Studies: Master of Arts / Single Subject: Open Admission ... Local NC (Uni Bonn) Combinable with majors of the Faculty of Arts. The program meets all education and experience requirements to prepare graduates for certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and licensure in North Carolina as a Licensed Psychological Associate . (Bachelor of Science), Catholic Religious Education as subject in the Masterâs degree programme in Special Needs Education for Schools (Master of Education), Protestant Theology as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme 99% of Hanover graduates were employed or continuing their education within 7 months of graduation. (Bachelor of Arts), Soziologie (Master of Education), Mathematik im Masterstudiengang Lehramt an Gymnasien (Bachelor of Arts), History as subject in the Interdisciplinary Bachelorâs Degree Programme (Master of Arts), Electrical Engineering and Information Technology